{Letter #100} Back in Mount Hood

Hey everyone! How have you all been this last week? Anything fun happen? Have you felt God's love for you this week?  It has been crazy week here in Mount Hood, but pretty awesome!

Here's a few things that happened: transfers, new missionary, training meetings, service, mission leadership council (MLC),  biking, and lots of finding!
So at transfers we all got to meet our new missionaries that we're training. My new companion is named Elder Guymon! He's from Huntington, Utah and is a very good hard working missionary. This was the last time I will be at transfers and see all those missionaries, but it was really good to be there one last time.
The next day we got to make the 1.5 hour drive back to the mission office (the furthest possible drive in our mission) for training meetings! Those were fun! There were 24 new missionaries that came in so it was a pretty big turnover. But it happens almost every summertime, and it's a good opportunity to help the incoming generation of missionaries start on a right track. Training is a lot of fun!

The next day we had MLC--the second to last one of my mission. It was another 1.5 hour drive back to the mission office for this. We got to talk a lot about how we will help other missionaries develop their skills and spiritual strength this transfer. It's always good to counsel with others and make specific plans!

In this area I get to bike everywhere! It's actually so much fun! It's only the second time on my mission that I've been on a bike. It creates a lot of opportunities to talk to people and invite them to talk more with us! It's cool to see how God works with our individual efforts and circumstances when we give it our all!
We have found a few really awesome people this week! One of the coolest is a woman named Ashley. She had just taken a step back from her church and was looking for a new one to go to with her family. She was super excited to read from the Book of Mormon and said she will come to church this Sunday!

My spiritual thought for this week is going to be very simple but something that I've been thinking a lot about. In The Book of Mormon-Another Testament of Jesus Christ the prophet Moroni teaches:

"And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me" (Moroni, 7:33).

I know that this is true! When we put our faith in Christ we will have power to do all things that He has asked us to! I invite you all to do one thing to increase your faith this week! You will feel Christ's power acting in your life!

I hope you have a great week! I am praying for you!

Elder Goold

More pics from this week:

Bailie (from my last area) just got baptized this past weekend!  I was sad not to be able to attend, but I was thrilled that she was so well-supported by the ward and was baptized by one of the young men. 
Look at that baptism attendance! 


A glimpse at our family phone call this week:   I only had time for a quick call with Mom and Dad.
