
{Letter #90} Testify of What You Know and Feel

Hi everyone! I hope you've had a great week! What was one thing that you learned? Something exciting that happened? This has been a good week here in the OPM! Here are a couple highlights: Kasey got baptized!!, testimony meeting ×2, and zone conference! First of all! Kasey got baptized! This was awesome! She has had so many amazing experiences with the Spirit and confirming witness to her. She has hard a hard life, but she was very ready to dive in and make a covenant with God! She will forever be an example to me of what it means to have faith in Christ! In zone conference we thankfully did not have to give any training this time (as much fun as they are...😬). We got to hear a lot about temple covenants and how they bless our life now and forever! "The happiest moments on your mission (or in your life) probably came because you were being obedient" I loved that! It's also very thought provoking. I invite you all to ponder on that and how that relates to your life! L

{Letter #89} Hail on a Tin Roof

  Hi everyone! I hope this week has been great! What is the most exciting thing that happened to you? What are you looking forward to? It has been a good week here! We had a pretty low-key week filled with lessons, service, nine friends that came to church, and lots of rain like normal! In one of our lessons with our friend Kasey we were sitting outside on her back porch with a tin roof like we usually do. It was particularly rainy day out, so it was pretty noisy with the tin roof. (Going inside wasn't an option). We were practically yelling at each other even though we were sitting about 5 feet away from her and someone from the local church. After we prayed, it started to hail. We could hear literally nothing. I couldn't even tell what I was saying. It was insane! It continued like that for about 5-10 minutes. we thought we were going to have to cancel and reschedule. After a little while it just switched back to pouring rain so if we were yelling we could hear ea

{letter #88} A Baptism and Some Nature!

Hi everyone! How were all of your weeks? What was a highlight? This week has been insane! Mary got baptized!!, transfers, drove to the airport, musical devotional, Mission Leadership Council (MLC), and we went on a hike today! First thing that happened was transfers! I stayed in Canby and got a new companion Elder Cherry! He goes home even sooner than I do, so this will be a fun next transfer! The day following transfers we drove Elder Owens to the airport to depart to his original assignment. I didn't think I'd be back to the airport before I was completing my mission, so it was a little weird. Immediately following that we went to the church for Mary's baptism! The baptism was awesome! Not a ton of people were there, but Mary loved it and was super excited to have the Spirit with her more!  I was also happy that Jim (someone I taught in Tualatin) was baptized this past week as well!  Sunday we had an awesome musical devotional all about Jesus! Music is a way that invites

{letter #87} The Week of Exchanges

Hi everyone! This email is going to be short due to a bit of a lack of time. I hope everything has been going well for you! What is one thing you are looking forward to this week? This week flew by so fast. We went on 3 exchanges, had some great lessons, and had some fun! On one of these exchanges I got to go be in a Spanish area for the first time on my mission.  Yo no hablo español, so it was crazy. We had a couple lessons and I got very little of what was going on! It was great though! The Holy Spirit was still present and I got to share some scriptures! The other 2 were English exchanges, which meant that I at least understood what was happening in those ones. They were all pretty great though! A bunch of good Elders. One awesome miracle we saw this week: We had been going by people with almost nobody answering the door. It happens some days. At around 8pm we decided to knock a random door that was close to one of our friends. A dad answers the door and let us in! He has 4 little k

{Letter #86} Higher Joy!

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had a great week! One of the biggest highlights of my week was definitely General Conference ! If you don't know what that is or didn't get to watch, I would highly recommend you look it up (link above) and watch it! It's awesome! In addition to that, we had 9 of our friends listen to the words of a Prophet this weekend! That is awesome! Prayers for them would be appreciated! Please send me one of your favorite talks or some things you learned. I'd love to talk about it! We also got to go to the temple today. You all should go if you haven't recently! It is a special place of learning, peace, and joy! And it is the House of the Lord! You will feel Him in your life! One of my favorite talks from conference was Elder Uchtdorf's talk about joy ! As we focus on Jesus Christ and center our life on Him, He will bring us higher and lasting joy! I want to close with a scripture from Hebrews 12 that I have been thinking a lot about recen

{Letter #85} He Is Risen!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great Easter week! It was really awesome here! We had 4 of our friends we are teaching participate in ward/primary choirs! So that was cool! What did you all do to celebrate? How did you choose to remember Christ extra this week? Not a ton happened here this week. We had some good lessons, an awesome Easter, and some fun zone things! This week with Easter we got to talk a lot about Jesus and invite a lot of people to church! A few questions that we were inviting people to ponder on were: What did Christ suffer? Why did He suffer? What does that mean to me? I encourage you all to think about those too! It will help you increase your faith in Christ! I'd love to hear any thoughts you all have :) Our friend Tree was one of the ones who sang in the choir on Sunday! She absolutely loved that! She is doing really well and is loving every bit of the gospel! She is currently facing some challenges so if you all could pray for her, that would be great!