
Showing posts from September, 2023

{Letter #58} T’s Up?!

Hi everyone! I hope all of you are doing well! Things have been good here. It has been a crazy week. Probably felt way busier than it was though. Here's a few things that happened: transfers, mission leadership council (MLC), and pday activities. Definitely felt far busier than it was. On Wednesday night transfer news came out! I got moved to Tualatin! (that's what T's Up means in our mission) No more living in the land of beavers unfortunately. Another fun part about the transfer is that I'm with my MTC companion Elder Crum again! Everything felt super rushed to get ready for transfers. Not to mention we were whitewashing out (meaning both my companion and I left the area). So we had to prepare notes for everything and pack to move. It was a blast. Felt super fast. Transfers happened Friday. All went well with that. The new zone is awesome. Elder Crum and I are covering 2 wards out here, both are really cool. We get to go to both wards on Sunday, makes for a lot of sit

{Letter #57} Another One Gone...

Well, It has been another week and this transfer is almost over. It's been busy and good!  Here's what happened: interviews, social media training, baptisms, and a fun district council! First off, we had interviews with President Botchway this Thursday! Those were awesome! He said that lot of missionaries are completing their missions and about 30 new missionaries are coming in, so there are going to be a lot of changes. We will see what happens, I suppose. He also made some Ghanaian food for the zone. It was really good. I would definitely recommend you try some if you ever get the chance. During the interviews we also had a training done by the social media leaders in the mission! It is really cool to see work that is being done over social media and also ways that we can improve. Phones and social media are tools that have been given to share the gospel! It's important that we use them the way that they were designed. Share the gospel over social media--it will help hast

{Letter #56} Finding, Serving, Teaching, and Not Swimming

 Hi Everyone! I hope this week has been a great one for all of you! Nothing too crazy has been going on here. A quick summary of what happened: service, teaching, and a lot of finding. Our service this week was helping a member of the ward set up a pool. It was extremely muddy, so it was dirty work, but it went pretty quickly and cleaned up well. It was a lot of fun. We also found a little frog while we were doing it. Teaching this week was pretty slow. Meaning we, unfortunately, did not have a lot of lessons. The lessons we did have were pretty good! We were able to bring members with us and the Spirit was very strong! Another cool thing that's happened this week is we had a missionary farewell talk at church! That's 2 in the last 3 weeks now! It's awesome to hear the testimonies of these people as they are leaving on their own missions for the next two years. Because we haven't had many lessons we have been putting in a lot of effort to find new people to teach! We ha

{Letter #55} Serving in the Rain!

 Hi Everyone! I hope all of you are doing great! This last week has absolutely flown by. Training is a blast and makes things always pretty interesting. Some of what happened: service, service, service, and also an awesome lesson.   We always had something going on this week! As I just mentioned, we had so much service this week, which is awesome! We helped 2 people move, did a wood-chopping service in the pouring rain, cleaned the church, and also helped someone set up a pool in their back yard.  Sometimes I miss teaching the Gospel when we are immersed in a service project, but then I remember that Jesus spent His days teaching AND serving.   This is part of God's work too.  Elder Thatcher doesn't have a rain jacket yet, so he just got absolutely soaked while we were chopping and stacking wood. We're going to work on getting him one. He will definitely be needing it in a couple months when rainy season arrives. We also had a couple meetings for new missionaries this week!