
Showing posts from March, 2023

{Letter #32} Raining Love!

This week has been interesting and really good! We had a few fun things that happened this week and have some exciting things coming up.   A quick summary of what happened: fast and testimony meeting, returning missionary, lots of lessons, and lastly even more rain! First off, this past Sunday was fast and testimony meeting. When we fast, we take a break from food and water for 24 hours, we donate the money we would have spent on food to the poor, and on the Sunday everyone has the chance to bear their testimony of Christ in church! It was amazing this time around! There were many powerful testimonies from members and the guidance that the Lord has given them in their life! We also had someone just return from their mission in our ward and it was really cool to hear some of his experiences from his mission. We were also able to bring the freshly returned missionary to our district meeting this Monday. It was really cool to hear some of the insights he had  coming from a different miss

{Letter #31} This is God's Work!

This week has been amazing! We've had lots of miracles, and signs over and over that confirm to me that this is God's work! He is with us every step of the way. A quick summary of what happened this week: interviews, exchanges, Jimmy, Laura, and Raven! Those series of events happened in no particular order^^^ First off were exchanges last week! Those were a lot of fun! I got to stay in my area with Elder Stallard biking around with me!  It was a pretty uneventful exchange for the most part, we did talk a little bit about following the promptings of the Spirit though. What we talked about made me think of the prophet King Benjamin (from The Book of Mormon-Another Testament of Jesus Christ) said. He taught: "For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord" (Mosiah 3:

{Letter #30} Find the Path

Hey y'all! I hope all of you are doing fantastically! Things are going really well here! A quick summary of what happened: zone conference, exchanges, p-day hike, and more rain! I am, unfortunately, a little low one time, so this will likely be shorter than usual. First off, we had zone conference this past Thursday! It was absolutely amazing! The theme from conference was Find the Path! President and Sister Haymond were talking about cairns (pile of rocks that act as a trailmarker, amongst other things) and what function as cairns in the gospel! It was really cool to think of all these things that function as "trailmarkers" that can help guide us to Christ! I would encourage each one of you to ponder how you've seen that in your life! Ponder what events, places, people, or things have helped direct you to Christ and focus on Him in your life! Second, we went on exchanges with our zone leaders last night! that was a fun time. I got to take the evening off from riding

{Letter #29} No Hablo Espanol

Hi everyone! I hope that y'all are doing well! This week has been a pretty fun week! We have had lots of opportunities to share the gospel and invite people to start learning more about Christ! A brief summary of what happened: exchanges, speaking Spanish in church, international food activity, lots of rain (again), and lots of new people to teach! This entire week has been on and off raining pretty hard and it has made for some very wet biking. It's also been good though, because we have discovered that people are a little bit more likely to let us in to talk with them! So there are definitely some plus sides to it! Last Thursday I went on exchanges with Elder Cotton in his area! We didn't have a ton of opportunities to teach, but the biggest thing I learned was the importance of acting to feel spiritual promptings. We will not receive spiritual promptings, or guidance from the Spirit, until we show the Lord that we are willing to act on the promptings we receive. the exam