{Letter #97} Rejoice in Christ!

 Hi everyone! I hope you all have had a great week! What have you done this summer? What have you learned recently?

This has been a fun week here! We had several exchanges and I got to go to downtown Portland, got to give a last minute talk in sacrament meeting (again), and some awesome things with our friends!
Elder Cherry and I

On my first exchange I went with Elder Crum to downtown Portland again. Old area with my old companion and my MTC companion too! It was lots of fun! The day wasn't too exciting, but it was just a solid day of missionary work.
Downtown Portland

My second exchange was with Elder Gilleland. I've lived with him for the last 4 months now, he's awesome! He usually works in the other half of Canby and does a great job. We had a good full day, most of our lessons fell through, but it's alright! Still worked hard!
Elder Gilleland and I

On Saturday night we got a call from President Botchway, our mission president. That's pretty unusual when we didn't call him first. He had some exciting news though! Our friend James got approval to be baptized! We called him immediately after and he's getting baptized in 2 weeks! He's been putting in a lot of commitment and faith for the last several months, so he was very excited!

On Sunday as we were welcoming people to church our bishop let us know that the main speaker wasn't going to be there and they needed about 20 minutes to be filled. So Elder Cherry and I got to give 10 minute talks each with about 20 minutes advance notice. If this sounds familiar, it's because this was the second time that this has happened in this ward! Both talks went really great! I talked about finding joy in Christ and in our covenants.

Which leads to my spiritual though. I want to share 2 sets of verses. In Proverbs 3:5-6 it says:

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

And in 2 Nephi 25:26 Nephi taught:

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."

When we continually trust in Christ, trust in His timing, and trust in His power, we will find joy!

We will be able to find lasting joy no matter what our circumstances are! I invite you all to write down ways that Christ has blessed your life! You will begin to see His hand more each day!

I love you all! I'm praying for you! Have a great week!

Elder Goold

P-day kickball

A glimpse at our family call today:  Me in Canby, Dad, Emma, Mom, and Grandma at home, Ellie in Rexburg, Spencer in the car on the way to or from the gym.  Not pictured:  Cami and fam, while she was at work
