{Letter #96} Have Courage, and Be Kind

Hi everyone! I hope you've had a great week! I'd love to hear how you are doing and anything that you are looking forward to!

This has been a good week here in Canby, Oregon! Here's a few things that happened: zone conference, exchanges, ward parties, and of course some fun lessons!

Zone conference was awesome! We talked about having courage in the ways we behave ourselves and being true to God and the commitments we make.

I got to go on exchanges with Elder Partridge again. This is transfer # 9 serving close to him! It's a lot of fun to work with someone for over a year of my mission. We had a good day and we're able to find a few people to teach!

On Saturday we had a ward party in both wards we serve in! Both were great missionary opportunities and we got to meet a lot of new people that the members had invited! It was pretty awesome!

We have started to get fed by the members a little bit more! People are finally realizing that we were getting an average of less than 1 meal with members per week, so they are doing things about it now! The first one this week was lasagna (my favorite meal)! It is the only time a member has made lasagna for me my entire mission!

My spiritual thought comes from chapter 6 in Preach My Gospel, specifically integrity, which was mentioned in Elder Gerard's talk in General Conference

“Recent revisions to the Preach My Gospel missionary manual notably added integrity as a Christlike attribute... A life of integrity is not a life of perfection; it is a life in which we strive every day to foremost be true to God and within that context to be true to others.”
-“Integrity: A Christlike Attribute”, Elder Jack N. Gerard, April 2024

The whole chapter is awesome! I would highly recommend reading through it as a part of study time someday.

"When you have integrity, you understand that there is right and wrong and that there is absolute truth—God’s truth. You use your agency to choose according to God’s truth, and you promptly repent when you do not. What you choose to think—and what you do when you believe no one is watching—is a strong measure of your integrity."

Anyways, I hope you're doing well! Have a great week! I'm praying for you!

Elder Goold

An interesting sight we saw this week

The eggs were frozen  / Another shot with Elder Partridge
