{Letter #85} He Is Risen!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great Easter week! It was really awesome here! We had 4 of our friends we are teaching participate in ward/primary choirs! So that was cool! What did you all do to celebrate? How did you choose to remember Christ extra this week?

Not a ton happened here this week. We had some good lessons, an awesome Easter,

and some fun zone things!
This week with Easter we got to talk a lot about Jesus and invite a lot of people to church! A few questions that we were inviting people to ponder on were:

What did Christ suffer?

Why did He suffer?

What does that mean to me?

I encourage you all to think about those too! It will help you increase your faith in Christ! I'd love to hear any thoughts you all have :)

Our friend Tree was one of the ones who sang in the choir on Sunday! She absolutely loved that! She is doing really well and is loving every bit of the gospel! She is currently facing some challenges so if you all could pray for her, that would be great!

As for the zone things, that mostly happened today. We played pickleball and had a fun time with everyone there! We only had to borrow paddles from 4 different families for everyone to play😅
My spiritual thought this week is going to be from an ancient Prophet named Samuel the Lamanite. He taught:

"The resurrection of Christ redeemeth mankind, yea, even all mankind, and bringeth them back into the presence of the Lord" (Helaman, 14:17)

Quite simply, because Christ rose from the dead we will all have the chance to return to God's presence!

The more we learn about Christ the more you are able to see His hand in your life every day! I hope and pray that you all will be able to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

I love you all! I hope you have a great week!

Elder Goold

Some random photos from this week:  

A glimpse at our family phone call this week.  (me in Canby, Mom and Isaiah at home, Emma in Provo, Spence at home, Dad on a walk in Saint George.   Cami and family were hosting people from out of town, Ellie was out with a friend).

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{Letter #105} Rejoice in Christ

 Hi everyone! This has been another amazing week! Miracles come when we continue faithful! I head home on Wednesday, so this will be the las...