{Letter #12} An Atmospheric River

Hello friends and family!

I don't have a ton of time to write my email this week, so I'll just talk about a few of the highlights.
So this past week there was a weather pattern that locals were calling an atmospheric river.  As I'm sure you've heard, Oregon is known for being rainy, but this was rain on steroids.   Basically it poured for 4 days straight and I got to test the limits of all my waterproof gear. Thankfully I am not on a bike or I might have permanently pruned skin,  but my condolences to those that are-including the other Elders in my apartment. It also snowed for about 45 minutes on Sunday morning, so that was cool.
Last Tuesday was a pretty low-key  day, but on Wednesday we were able to do a service project for a nonmember, named Sheila, who was getting ready for a move this upcoming weekend.   We  helped her pack up her house and get things organized.    We also went on exchanges on Wednesday, so I took Elder Partridge and we stayed in Damascus/Boring. I was kinda grateful we got to be in the car more that day because it was around 35 most of the day.
On Thursday there was a very energetic and very adorable dog at one of the houses we stopped by. He decided he wanted to play with us so he jumped in our car and ran all over it and got all over the interior muddy. I didn't get a picture of him in the car, but I think this one sums up the energy of the dog pretty well.   I think we shall call him Muddy Buddy.  

We also had a lesson with a cool 94 year old man named Don. He likes to talk and tell stories,  so that lesson went very long.

On Friday we had a lesson with someone we gave a blessing to a few weeks ago. He wasn't too interested, but his wife seemed like she wanted to learn more. So we'll be meeting with them again soon.

Saturday We went back over to Sheila's house and brought some of the ward with us to help us pack things up more! We also had a lesson with a lady named Peggy and we taught her all about family history and helped her learn more about her family! It was super cool! She also said that she would be interested in learning more about the gospel.

Sunday, not much happened. It snowed for a bit, we went to church, had dinner with the Millers, and just did lots of missionary stuff. 

On Monday we had a lesson with Shawn again! He had a lot of questions about our spirits, life after death, and why we are here on earth. It was a really good lesson. We tried to ask him to read Alma 40 after we left, but he said no. He then asked us to just read it right then. So we read the entire chapter of Alma 40 with him! He really liked a lot of the things it talks about in there.

Today we went to the temple as a zone. I seriously love the temple so much.

My spiritual thought from this week will come from Alma 40 just because I've been thinking a lot about it lately. Alma taught:

"Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life"

I love this verse. It is one of the few verses in any scripture that uses the word home in it. It is very peaceful to know that no matter what, God has a home for us. God wants all his children to come unto Him. He wants us all to choose to follow Him and to succeed in this life. He has prepared a home for us in the life to come. When we rely on Him in this life, we can have the confidence that we can do whatever the Lord requires of us.

I hope y'all are doing great! Love all of you!

Elder Goold

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{Letter #105} Rejoice in Christ

 Hi everyone! This has been another amazing week! Miracles come when we continue faithful! I head home on Wednesday, so this will be the las...