{Letter #11} Stand Out, Stand Tall, and Stand Forever!


Hey everyone! SURPRISE!  Monday is my p-day this week (thanks to Halloween)!  I hope y'all are doing well!! We've actually had a very eventful week this week The rough overview of our week: we had a day with 7 lessons (more in one day than we've had so far), meat candle, zone conference, fall festival, an amazing sacrament meeting, and now a day early p-day for Halloween! Also today is my sister Emma's birthday, so if you know her you should tell her happy birthday.

On Wednesday we had 7 lessons throughout the day! It made for a very busy and tiring day, but it was absolutely amazing to just be spending that much time discussing with and learning from all the people we taught. In our lesson with Stacie that day she also wanted us to give her sister-in-law a blessing while we were there. That was a super cool experience, and it is amazing how present the Spirit always is, regardless of the setting of the blessing. We didn't get back to our apartment until around 9:30 that night because our last lesson went a bit long. So it was a very long day, but very good.
When we got back to the apartment Elder Strand had decided to make a meat candle. In case you are unfamiliar with this concept, it involved melting a collection of bacon grease from the last 4-5 months that had been sitting on the counter then putting it back in the jar with a wick in it. So Elder Strand, the same one who made the root beer, melted this old bacon grease in a pot, at first it just smelled like someone was really sweaty. it got way worse though. Our entire apartment smelled like rancid meat within about 5 minutes of starting this process. He did successfully make the candle, but we never burned it because it smelled so awful in the process of making it. So if you or anyone you know has the brilliant idea of making a meat candle, don't do it. our apartment still smells like rancid meat 5 days later. it's not a good smell. The candle is now in the trash.

Anyways, Thursday was really good! not super eventful though. We had a lesson with the Hoilands, they have a husky that sheds a lot and is very cuddly, so we were covered with dog hair by the end of that. Other than that, not a ton happened.

On Friday we had zone conference! The theme of this conference was Stand Out, Stand Tall, and Stand Forever! The theme came from the Sequoia trees that only grow in this part of the world. Here are some fun facts I learned about them: they are some of the tallest living organisms anywhere on the planet at about 350 feet when fully mature, they take around 400 years to mature, the come from pinecones about the size of a quarter, their roots only go about 10-15 feet deep despite growing to almost 350 feet above ground, and they are nearly immune any natural disasters (wildfires, floods, earthquakes, etc.) due to a compound in their bark called tannin. All of these remarkable features and they can only grow in one place on the planet! It's kinda crazy! I'll talk more about the spiritual side of zone conference later in the email.

Saturday was pretty uneventful besides our ward Halloween party, which they called  the Harvest Festival. There was a chili cook-off, lots of games for the kids, and a trunk-or-treat thing at the end. It was really good, and a bunch of people brought friends to it so we were able to meet a lot of new people.Unfortunately we were not allowed to dress up for it though, but the good food and new friends made up for that. Overall, just a fun time for everyone.

Sunday was good! We didn't have ward council in the morning. Church was a departing senior couple who are leaving to be in the area presidency in Hong Kong. Their name are the Hansens. They are absolutely amazing, they were formerly mission presidents and Area 70s. Overall just really cool people and they gave some absolutely amazing talks on how the gospel of Jesus Christ can change your life when you live it every day. The second hour of church was also amazing, we went over the new For The Strength of Youth pamphlet as a ward. I would highly recommend you read it if you haven't yet.
Lastly today I am making cookies. I would offer some to all of you, but unfortunately you all would have to come get them, because I can not leave my mission boundaries.

Now for my spiritual thought. During Zone conference they talked about each of the different sections of our theme: Stand Out, Stand Tall, and Stand Forever. The one I wanted to talk specifically about was standing out. When we are living the Gospel of Jesus Christ every day we will stand out. People will be able to tell just by our countenances that we follow Christ. To quote Elder Stevenson in this most recent general conference:

"Your testimony in Jesus Christ isn't just what you say--it's who you are."

When we are living the Gospel of Christ every day in our lives it will take root in who we are and change the way we act, think, and feel in every way. As we are striving to become like the Savior by living His teachings every day we will stand out to people as different. I want to ose with a scripture that teaches this principle well. Nephi taught:

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

I love y'all! keep up the good work! make every day count!

Elder Goold

PS  Thanks for the letters!  

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