
{Letter #105} Rejoice in Christ

 Hi everyone! This has been another amazing week! Miracles come when we continue faithful! I head home on Wednesday, so this will be the last email of my mission, as such  I will keep it short and sweet this week! It is my testimony that Christ is the source of all lasting joy! Like Moroni said, I know that "every good gift cometh of Christ". Christ lives and speaks today. He has once again restored His gospel to the earth, or in other words the good news of Christ is on the earth again! Joseph Smith was called of God to be the first prophet of the Restoration and to translate The Book of Mormon-Another Testament of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon combined with the Spirit will help any person who sincerely studies it to see God's power in their life! Nephi taught: "We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of th

{Letter #104} Be A Humble Sponge

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had an awesome week! What was something good that has happened? This week was great! We had some amazing lessons, exchanges, my last Mission Leadership Council (MLC) of the mission, and a training from Sister Botchway! First of all, our lesson with the Montiels this week was amazing! We went over the restoration with them! They were all feeling the Spirit confirm it to them! Sadly, I won't have the chance to meet with them again before I finish my mission in about a week. I think that they will soon accept a date to be baptized though! The Spirit does amazing things when people feel it, recognize it, and act on it! We had some more exchanges--kinda the normal at this point. I was once again in my old area, and got to see some of the people I worked with and taught in the past. Always an awesome experience! Especially when they have grown in their faith in Christ since last time talking. Kinda an Alma 17:2-3 type of experience! In this last MLC they

{Letter #103} Grace for Grace

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had a great week! What is something exciting that happened this week? This has been another remarkable one here in Gresham! We had the temple, interviews with President Botchway, lots of exchanges, cool referrals, and even received a plant from a random man! First off, we went to the temple today! The temple was closed for a while and it's been 4-5 months since I last went and I was missing it! If you haven't gone yet, or haven't gone recently, please go! It will help you feel more of God's peace in your life!  Between some amazing teaching experiences we've had and  some cool referrals, this past week has been awesome! We had a few great first lessons with people who have committed to read the Book of Mormon and seem very interested in learning more! We also received a referral for a guy from Texas! He is up here in Oregon about 50% of the time and wanted a church to go to. We called him, gave him the address, and shared a little ve

{letter #102} Rain in Portland? Unbelievable.

Hi everyone! I hope all of you are doing great! What is something cool that's happened lately? It's been a great week here in Mt. Hood! Not a lot in the way of eventful things but here's what happened: some lessons, we got rain!, more time in Damascus, and some fun kids! First off, we had some awesome lessons with our friends this week! Several of our friends are preparing to be baptized soon and are working hard to get to that point. They could all use some extra prayers right now. So if you could keep Lori, Wendy, Ashley, Jen, and Edgar in your prayers that would be great! We had several instances this last week where we had little kids ask us what we were doing (while knocking at someone's door), after we told them we were missionaries and talk about Jesus they then point us to several houses to visit! All of which invited us back! That is crazy! God works in many ways to lead us to the people who He has prepared, we just need to be willing to be lead. I got to spend

{Letter #101} Creator of All Things

 Hi everyone! I hope that you all have had a great week! What is something you're looking forward to? It's been a pretty good one here! We had zone conference, some exchanges, awesome lessons, and fun training things! First of all, zone conference was awesome! President Botchway talked a lot about the importance of becoming converted to Jesus Christ and the importance of focusing on him in everything we do! It was awesome! What are some ways that you all focus on Christ every day? On exchanges I got to go back to my very first area.... Boring, Oregon! It was awesome! I didn't see too many people that I knew while I was here, but it was still cool to be back. Kinda a full circle moment! The people that we are working with here are awesome! There are a good number of people that are really close to accepting a baptismal date. If you could be praying for the Montiel family, Ashley, Blessing, Viola, and Wendy that would be great! The members in this ward are really great at co