Hi everyone!
Did you all have a good week? What was a highlight? How did you see God's hand this week?
This week in the Oregon Portland Mission was full of excitement!
Here's why: I got transferred, some awesome lessons, and zone council!
It doesn't look like much when I type it out, but things were constantly moving and just very busy.
So on Wednesday we had zone council! It was awesome! We studied out our call as missionaries as a zone! We talked about all that is expected of us as disciples of Jesus Christ and what blessings come from that! It was really awesome!
Then on Friday, I got transferred from Tualatin to Canby! There's a lot of craziness with the transfer. I am now companions with Elder Moore, who I have served around (in the same apartment) for 3 months previously! I am also still covering 2 wards.
My new comp, Elder Moore, and I
In addition to getting transferred, we were also moving apartments at the same time. So I got to help out with that when I got to Canby. Fun times! We successfully got everything moved before the end of the first night. In both Tualatin and Canby we had some awesome lessons this past week!
I also got to say goodbye to a bunch of the people I was teaching in Tualatin.
Elder Nielson and I went out with some youth before transfers
We also talked with Jim about baptism. He said that he didn't feel ready yet, but that he would keep coming to church, reading the Book of Mormon, and praying. So that's awesome!
There are quite a few people that are progressing towards being baptized here in Canby! Our friend James has been getting ready for a while. I don't know everyone here yet, but I a sure that I will learn to love them!
My spiritual thought this week is going to be from a prophet named Jacob. He taught:
"...they despised the words of plainness,... and sought for things that they could not understand. Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it" (Jacob 4:14)
In this verse Jacob is specifically talking about the ancient people in Israel, but it applies to us too!
Ask yourself:
What is the focus of my life? Am I allowing to let God prevail? Or am I "blinded" by everything going on?
When we let God prevail in our lives we will find joy, peace and understanding! President Nelson, a living prophet of God, taught:
"the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives"
I know this to be true! Focus on God in your life! He will bless you!
I love you all! I hope you have a great week! I am praying for you!
Elder Goold
My last picture with Elder Nielson (who is 6'10") and the official Tualatin Zone Leader Tie, which has been in the rotation for many years.
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